I've been quite busy this past week or so; our research group has been hosting a conference and I've ended up helping quite extensively with the process of compiling the papers into a book of proceedings, generating and index for the programme and making sure all the presentations were in the right places for the different sessions (all jobs that a seasoned programmer is useful for!). This was alongside preparing a presentation of my own work for the conference. The whole thing was quite successful, there were nearly 60 papers presented and over 100 people attended. So, good fun, but quite tiring. Next week will be busy too - we've got a house move to make happen. Anyway, in the mean time, here's a round up of the past week and a bit.
At the end of last month, my cousin Elaine got married (congratulations!). This was a pretty relaxed affair, a couple of days around a marquee and cottages near York, and a bit of a family holiday for us with my parents, brothers and sisters. Good fun for everyone!
Naomi having a dance with her cousins, she really enjoyed this |
Day out in York, having a bit of fun at York Minster |
Naomi helped her Uncle Ian with the giant jenga by removing a fairly key piece halfway up. Unbelievably the tower stayed up like this for several more turns! |
Naomi helping us to move house. "D'oh, I got stuck in a box!" She actually cried when we took her back out - I'm not sure whether this is a good thing... |
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I also had a trip to London last week for a work meeting - this was the culmination of the project I'm at Loughborough for, the launch of the software product which includes my work. Quite satisfying! Not much more to add on this, except that on leaving St Pancras station I saw this street, which looks like a nice, possibly brilliant place to live. |
On the wedding trip, Naomi learned about throwing and catching with Uncle Ian. She's actually pretty good at it!
Naomi has recently taken up spinning. She was doing it a lot before this video, but as always, I got the camera out and she instantly stopped! She does do it again briefly though.
All the best for the moving experiences.