8am Tuesday. I've just come out of the shower. Naomi has been having a lie in, something that occurs once a week or so. There is a shout from her room and she comes hobbling out. I figure she's bumped her leg on the bed in the dark. I help her to the toilet and when I put her on the floor she falls and needs carried downstairs.
9am Toosday. It seems serious. Naomi is *very* sad.
9am Toosday. It seems serious. Naomi is *very* sad.
10am. Naomi is lying on the sofa watching TV, still unable to walk.
11am. It's gymnastics day. Naomi really likes this. So she asks to go and Jay gives it a try. After 5 mins the people running it come for Jay: Naomi can't even stand up to take part.
11:30am. A visit to the minor injuries clinic is in order, but no dice. One for the hospital they say. Very sad, they return home.
1pm. Naomi misses nursery.
Wednesday. AM. It's all the same. Clouds of darkness consume the household.
Wednesday. PM. Still no nursery. Even the possibility of missing her best friend isn't enough to convince her to go.
Thursday. Go to hospital for an x-ray. Nothing. An appointment is arranged for Monday in case it's still the same.
Friday. AM. Toddler group has cake. Naomi likes cake. Cake is at other end of room. Naomi walks to cake and eats it. Injury resumes. We feel like schmucks, but what to do?
Friday. PM. She's managing to hobble or hop most places. We grow concerned that whatever was wrong is now gone and that it's psychological. This may be hard to shift, and all the while, the leg isn't getting used and it'll be getting weaker.
Friday. PM. She's managing to hobble or hop most places. We grow concerned that whatever was wrong is now gone and that it's psychological. This may be hard to shift, and all the while, the leg isn't getting used and it'll be getting weaker.
Friday. PM. In car to grandparents house. We agree on a carrot approach. If Naomi can try to walk, and succeeds, we'll take her to SOFT PLAY. Besides, maybe having her cousins around will help her.
Saturday. Despite children to play with and the carrot, Naomi continues hopping. This is bad.
Saturday. Despite children to play with and the carrot, Naomi continues hopping. This is bad.
Saturday. PM. Three cars full of Brownlees arrive at resaurant and walk towards the place. I tell Naomi that I won't carry her until she tries to walk. She does, and succeeds. "I CAN WALK" she says.
+10mins. Naomi learns the ancient art of Karate.
+10mins. Naomi learns the ancient art of Karate.
Sunday. It's like nothing happened, though her leg is obviously a bit weak. Go figure.
So what happened? Maybe she had a cramp or something. Maybe it was an injury sustained while bootlegging. Maybe she was playing us for suckers (I doubt it, she looked in real pain). Maybe (likely) something else.
Thanks to everyone for bearing with us.
Monday, week following. We went to soft play.
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