So here is a selection of various things going on in our life
Most days Naomi walks home from nursery with me (obviously) and one or two of her friends. Quite often the children run into our back garden and seem to think by plonking themselves on the top of the climbing frame we won't be able to make them go home! We do arrange quite a few play dates but sometimes we need to do things on our own, so far we have never been unable to get them down!
Making themselves comfy, they're in this for the long haul! |
I am a little concerned, with the summer holidays only a few days away that someone forgot to tell the weather, it could be a long old 7 weeks if we don't get a bit more sun than this!
bath time hilarity
Naomi didn't want to smile |
Doesn't every house have a potty with a cat in it on the bed?
Naomi had a "trial lunch" at her new primary school where I went too, we had "aheetas" for lunch (Fajhitas) and got to find out how everything works, like where to queue and where to put your tray when you are finished.
At a different time she went to school for two whole days! Here she is looking far too grown up!
Ready to go! |
Big girl hair |
Miriam has a go bouncing on Naomi's friend's trampoline
We have a new abacus in the garden, it's never too early to learn some maths!!
And finally, for now, Naomi has been running with Mummy a bit, here she is at the end of a 2 kilometre run (1.2 miles for those who prefer it in old money)