Tuesday, 18 December 2018


Another deluge of catching up. This collection is the 2018 pictures that didn't fit into any of the other "catching up" categories since the summer so we have a large variety to cover! Hopefully this will capture a sense of the fun, hectic, and tiring life we are having just now. I won't comment on all these - some are just the girls having a good time with each other and don't need any explanation!

First up, some time ago we got a kit to make a clock with a banana. Actually the banana is just the battery part, but it's still fun. Here's Naom trying it out.

Just occasionally Naomi sits down. She really does love to read!

Miriam loves to draw!

I'm just amused by this. I found this Homer soap in a box at Mum's and he's now moved into our bathroom.

A rare walk back from the pub and this was the scene. The place continues to be beautiful!

Miriam REALLY loves going to Rainbows!

A finale to my Japanese trip were these chicken bites, covered in spicy sesame seeds I bought in a Japanese market. Lovely.

Lydia went to her friend's birthday party and was VERY excited. She still talks about it several weeks later (it was at a safari park) - here she is with her packed lunch and her present ready to go.

Miriam and Naomi set up this in their bedroom so they could have a picture of their Grandad, I thought it was really sweet.

Naomi is running a school in this one.

Miriam drew me a picture for my office. It's still on the wall there now.

Miriam wears this cat suit whenever she can!

Miriam also set up this scene for her dolls.

Naomi made this little house.

This is a bit of cherry tree captures from my Mum's front garden. Somehow it has survived (I've taken many cuttings before with no success), and it even seems to be starting to grow.

Date night cheese and wine. Brilliant.

We all went to Messy Church again last week - these are the Christmas crafts.

Here's Miriam pinning a nose on a reindeer. She did better the second time.

Lydia having a god with the Lego.

...and Lydia having a go at puppeteering.

The view from my bedroom window a few mornings ago. I could get to like it here   :)

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