Saturday, 6 July 2019

Bunk beds

Esther has been getting rather big for her cot, and many times now has nearly climbed right out over the side. The toddler bed was also a bit on the small side for Lydia, and although it could be extended we were already a bit short on space in that room. So, we have finally succumbed to the inevitable and got another bunk bed so she and Lydia can have some more space.

The toddler bed is especially wee for two!

So, another trip to IKEA was on the cards... It's summer so I can easily take a day off and we can make it into a bit of a day out. This, of course, means Swedish meatballs!

Yes, a whole bunk bed in the back of our car. Brilliant!
There's also a comfy chair for my office so I can sit and ponder.

Lydia was a big help with the construction!
The finished article...

So far, Esther is coping surprisingly well with the big girl bed, and Lydia is managing being up top fine (after a couple of nights of seeing how much up-and-down-the-ladder she could do) We'll see  how well that continues...

...and so it came to pass

Indeed, the crop is good. It keeps on coming too.

More on the way!

We also have some sweet peas. Not as tasty but good to look at!